Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Our (next) Plan

Hello everyone long time not see our posting here.
Today, I want to post any new schedules that we have for this week.
For this week, we will cooking at Indri's house on Sunday. We will make macaroons (a dessert). Love it! I knew I never ever tried it, but I think the taste would be great and sweet (it's absolutely sweet because it's a dessert, isn't it?). And we will buy all the ingredients on Friday (21/10).
So ..., just wait till the day come and we'll post all the things which happen on Sunday. Thank you~

with Love,
Uta :)

Minggu, 18 September 2011

lari pagi di pemda

hari ini Minggu, 18 September 2011 I 'n U lari pagi di pemda
niatnya sih lari pagi, tapi ujung-ujungnya jalan
melihat pameran makanan, dan berbagai macam barang jualan haha
kita jalan dari ujung sampe ke ujung lagi dan ke ujung lagi, lalu makan bubur ayam lesehan
ngobrol dari A sampe Z terus ke A lagi #apasih haha
sekitar jam 9 kita pulang naik angkot
daaaan kita ngeliat patung monyet galau #inilebihapasih haha
tapi serius lucu, cari aja deh di jalan dari pomad sampe pemda
niat hati pengen foto itu patung tapi tangan tak sampai wkwkwk
serunya hari ini, sampe ketemu di hari hari selanjutnya ;)

salam calon bu dokter,
Andareswari :)

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

one day with I.'n.U

Today we spent our day with cooking, eating and playing (playing is sounds like a child) at My house. Before we decided to cook today, Indri sent me a message : "Uta, let's cook a meal!" I reply : "I'm still at school, ndri. What a dish that we will make today." and after that, she doesn't answer my message (in the fact : I'm forgot what does her answer is, but after that she doesn't reply any message)

And at 11.00am I'm arrived home.
Then, I sent SMS to Indri : "Ndri, It's okay if you come to my house now. But, I'll washing a plate first." She didn't answer my SMS, so I think it's canceled.
To make sure that our appointment is fix, I send a message again : "Ndri, wanna make a dish or not?" then I continued my work. Not long afterwards, Indri came to my house and said : "Utaaaaaa . . ." I said : "Come in Ndri!"
Indri brought spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, and chesse. She said that she don't know what should we cook for today. that's why she bring a spaghetti to my house.

Because I don't have anythings that I'll use for making our spaghetti, Indri and Me went to Bogor Junction to bought some extras food there, such as chikwha, crab stick, minced chicken meat, and dry fish, it's for the main dishes. As a dessert, we choose cane bread and as a drink, we choose milk (but we haven't drink it yet. still on my refrigerator). Then  . . ,here our ingredients for today :

And what does our dish look like is. . . (Tada!)

See? The portions is too much, right?
Hahaha . . my stomach is really fulfilled! = 'eungap'


team creative :


uta - indri :)

Nice to meet you there~

with Love,
UTA :)

Hello, I'm Uta :)

Waaaah . . .~
Long time no see, readers !
It's me Astrid or . . .you can called me Uta.
I'm as U in I 'n U. ahaha
It's my first time to wrote here. Today, I spent my day with Indri and Novi.
But, Novi attended in the time when we was eating, cooking, and playing. So, she only get our dishes as a gift. hohoho. Indri and Me making (a lot of) spaghetti and when we ate it, the portions is suited for coolie. kikik. One plate fulfilled with spaghetti.

Nice to meet you there :)

with Love,
UTA (pssst, come to visit me here. Thank you. . ~)

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Hello there !!!

Hello there ...

we will begin to greet you with our stories from today,

nice to meet you,

and remember! we are not a group of gangs who like to do anything by ourself and do not like to hang out with others, we are open to anyone. :)
we are a group of children who live in a same housing and we love to play or try something new either in cooking or sewing, and even just chatting for sharing our minds,

we don't really know, from when we get closer each other, maybe it has been 1 year we together, we meet and starts to know each other from English course and continue till' now, not only become bestfriend but also become business partner, HHA .. yaa .. we're happy to make money by selling something(food or goods)

I `n U it actually stands for the name of the three of us,
I for Indri, N for Novi and U for Utha,

Thank you for visiting

 I `n U... :)

*by indri :)